Tribute Wall
Plant a tree in memory of Pierre
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3 tree(s) planted in memory of Pierre Duval
Liselle Belusa uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, August 24, 2023

The passing of our cousin Pierre leaves us saddened, yet grateful for the memories we have had over the decades. His friendly demeanor, kindness, and sense of humor will truly be missed. Peace and prayers for strength be with you all as we mourn together, cherishing his memory in our hearts.
Love Always,
The Belusa Family
(Jackie, Eric, Liselle, Ron, Monique, Isabelle, Hannah)
Guy Duval Posted Sep 3, 2023 at 7:18 AM
Guy Duval posted a condolence
Thursday, August 24, 2023
salut vieux frère ,on va te manquer .nous raconter tes voyages de pêche et de chase avec ton ami des USA quand vous chassiez la perdrix près de chez toi avec un résultat de cinquante oiseaux en une fin de semaine. On garde un bon souvenir de toi.
Bye bye repose en paix .
Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Pierre Duval
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sincres condolances toute la famille de Pierre Duval. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Marthe St-Cyr et Alain Binet planted a tree in memory of Pierre Duval
Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Alan Tarrant posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Was a great friend and co worker, condolences to all his family. So sad to hear of his passing. Alan Tarrant
Yvon Courchesne posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
It is with profound sadness that we learned of the passing of our dear cousin Pierre. Words struggle to express the pain we feel in this difficult moment. We are all deeply shaken by this painful news.
Pierre will forever remain etched in our memories for his unwavering passion for hunting and fishing. His zest for life and his love for these activities will remain a cherished legacy in our memories.
To you, his family, we want to convey our heartfelt solidarity during this period of mourning. May the happy memories you shared with Pierre bring some comfort in this dark time.
Please accept our most sincere condolences. We hope that the love and support of your loved ones will help you navigate this trial with courage. Rest assured of our full friendship in these challenging moments.
With all our sympathy,
Yvon and Francine
Nicolet, Quebec
C'est avec une profonde tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de notre cher cousin Pierre. Les mots ont du mal à exprimer la douleur que nous ressentons en ce moment difficile. Nous sommes tous profondément secoués par cette douloureuse nouvelle.
Pierre restera à jamais gravé dans nos mémoires pour sa passion inébranlable pour la chasse et la pêche. Sa joie de vivre et son amour pour ces activités resteront un héritage précieux dans nos mémoires.
À vous, sa famille, nous tenons à exprimer notre profonde solidarité en cette période de deuil. Puissent les souvenirs heureux que vous avez partagés avec Pierre apporter un peu de réconfort en cette période sombre.
Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condoléances. Nous espérons que l'amour et le soutien de vos proches vous aideront à traverser cette épreuve avec courage. Soyez assurés de notre entière amitié dans ces moments difficiles.
Avec toute notre sympathie,
Yvon et Francine
Nicolet, Québec

A Memorial Tree was planted for Pierre Duval
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Kerry Funeral Home Ltd. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Pierre Marcel Duval uploaded a photo
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

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The family of Pierre Marcel Duval uploaded a photo
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

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Jackie & Larry Morais posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. ❤️ Jackie & Larry Morais & family
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For over thirty years, along with our predecessors, the Gilmartin and Lynett Families, we have strived to provide the highest quality of service along with fair costs to the families we serve.
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140 Churchill Ave
Wawa, Ontario P0S 1K0
Phone: (705) 856-7340 or 1-800-439-4937